Monday, October 09, 2006

Haphazard records

Though I often make observations, I am not mych like Brahe in that I do not record very many of them. This is a slapshod attempt to sum up my observations. After the last new moon on a sunday I observed the extremely short crescent of the moon, though did not see any abnormal effects, other then its size.I spotted a meteor on the fly one night while trying to determing where that ruddy teapot had run off to. Andromeda is very faint, and I rarely get to see it, though I think it's pretty cool that it's hurtling toward us. I discovered the main circumpolar constallations that are visible around the little bear. Oh, and I determined that I live on an north south road, just from the position of the north star. Most of my observations are here and there so I cannot accurately judge the time concept of them, however it most likely amounted to a couple hours, some of which were on cloudy nights, most of which had mostly clear skies.


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