Sunday, December 31, 2006

My failed attempt at observations.

Last night I figured I should cram in some more observations since I havn't been keeping much time account and even less writing down what I see. I went outside and noticed a police cruiser go by with lights on and no siren. I thought it was odd, but no big deal. As I was about to get comfortable I got yelled at by my mother to come inside. I meandered on in and sat down to huddle around the news they were watching on TV. Apparently someone had shot someone in the viscinity of my neighborhood and the shooter was still lose on foot. I decided it probably wasn't worth sitting outside to do observations with a psycho killer on the loose. I did however notice that the moon was almost full and that it is really easy to tell even when it is slightly oval. I prided myself on realizing that it was a Waxing Gibbous without having to use the internet (although I did check the internet before I posted that.)


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